Some journeys are worth reminisce whether it is forgettable or unforgettable ones .
And train journeys are always forgettable ones or ..?
It has got great resemblance with our journey called life . It is the only journey in which trees moves with us , clouds following us and sun never leaves us . Indeed , train journeys are worth to call to mind , best from the window .
I am in motion , locomotion . On my way to jaipur(pink city of India) in one of the best trains of our incredible india , popularly known as RAJDHANI EXPRESS , it feels good sometimes to travel in train, after a particularly long time , or after general compartment of indian trains . GOSH!
Having my dinner , I thought what productive I could do sitting on the blue seat of three tyre AC coach , I plugged in my hard drive to the laptop , browsed through the collection I have of movies , documentaries , music videos , series , music ,e-books and what not !
Just scanning it , i got one of the best horror film in recent times , with the running hot topic paranormal activities , John Cussack starrer ,1408 . Yea ! I am gonna watch that movie now,but for that I need to shift to the top berth seat , where I am gonna sleep . Ah! I like it .
I started it , there is this author who writes about the haunted places and hotels , indeed what a fascination! Some fascinations are really fantasies . Experiencing in the HOTEL DOLPHIN , NEWYORK , room number 1408 , for a night , the author is psychologically involved of the mishaps of his life in the past , with a paranormal touch and his will to survive after taking the worst decision of his life , the 1408 . Just when the movie reached 30 minutes , the lights dimmed off and everyone turned to sleep . I didn't gave a heed . Enjoying the movie ! Now here , there came an uncle on the opposite top berth besides me . He smiled at me and went off to sleep . Now just , when the movie reached its best terrifying scenes , I heard a loud noise apart from the effect of my headphones . I glanced here and there , and then noticed , Oh! that uncle is snoring ! WHAT THE !@#$ ! It was so loud and clear , like a lion roaring when awake and this guy is sleeping , i wondered what was he in his past life ! I hated that voice and already the movie has half brained me . i was feeling the terror and that guy is adding to the already scaring background effects . Now , just when I started adjusting with that irritating sound , a child then besides screamed and started crying and damn that frightened me for a second . I thought , if some sort of paranormal activity I am going through . HUh! It went on till my movie was completed . Indeed , we can meet the rarest samples , in the train , especially indian trains . I switched off and went to sleep . Damn , but that uncle was still on and it pissed me off ! Whole night I was awake and kept starring that guy , and thought what do I do to make that guy stop SLAP HIM , KILL HIM , but finally I threw my pillow to him and he got awake , and that calmed me . But , now I lost my pillow , how do I get it back !? Just after lot of efforts , I got it back and then turned to sleep ,just when i again glanced , that bloody went to sleep again! I banged my head .
What a sleepless , bugging night ! I hated that decibels of noise . Bt finally couldn't do anything and just when my eyes got closed , it was 7 in the morning , and the visiting station is arriving in just 30 mins . WOW !
What a night and after that !
I made that uncle hear , the recorded voice of his snore and he laughed . I laughed in anger !
We departed , and got off to jaipur !