Having been the bad boy lately , I have enough to decide that what in this world can change me and my thoughts which led to extinction in the past. Living up the most happening month OCTOBER , I am feeling immensely coordinated with the moments I have lived and the same I dealt with in the past . Past is to forget , but yes somethings just cannot let go off your mind , no matter how much hard you try to take it off from you . Playing with words that I often do . Now is the time to get started with something you have always wanted to do . #Motivation Check .
And I drafted a mail to a random person I met recently , but yeah he's not that random to the world . #55,000 followers on twitter , couldn't be just another guy . :) But , yeah What A guy !
A pen and a paper is just what it takes now .
Nothing to lose , but to show what you can be capable of when an apple falls on a head .
A quote that was an strike X and meshed all the bottles , here it goes ,
" When life throws lemons at you , make a lemonade out of it . Then sell the lemonade , make a franchisee out of it and then sell the franchisee . Just when you have had enough , write a book saying ' This is what happened when life threw lemons at me ' "
I have taken enough of the lemons now , time to make a lemonade out of it .
Rock and Rolla .
Just another tequila sunrise :)
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