Monday, November 22, 2010

At odds

The sight from the left , starting with the pages of magic , power and belief of the coelho writings . No matter the heart seeks the solution of the mystery it beholds , it is always right at the moment you are living in . Like a witch maladicting a child and the child doesn’t know if ball is the toy or the sun .They are perplexing moments which has no key .
Once written by Coelho ,
“Waiting is painful . Forgetting is painful . But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering .”
( And yes astonishingly , I am not over a break-up ) .
Moving on , with the colours  of  leaves in the story of Google , two young stanford nerds  introducing a simple cutting edge of technology to being one hell of a revolution in its en route to the web and the lives connected to it . Here , comes  the success story . Now , it comes with no sense of regard that success favours the bright , but success favours the simple . Like there is a difference between apples and oranges , like why apple fall down on just Newton’s head and none before that and why orange is orange in colour . To define what you need in life is just like answering the above lines . Thus to make it simple , we have to think simple , and there comes an adjective running behind us .
“Like if Sergey Brin’s parents wouldn’t have moved to America when he was 5 , google’s success would have been added to russia’s economy . Like fate , like the ladder . “
Then to the chicken soup for some souls , I don’t know from where that came from , but I think from the cousin Chicken . Like I am a vegan , I couldn’t get much into the souls of the chicken , I barely read all the books one by one . The rainbow stories all depicting love , happiness , sadness , toughness and what not “ness” . But , it has all the heartfelt stories like in the sands of our own time.
“ The chicken definately came first – God would look silly sitting on an egg “ .

Then the freaks writing the economics , a showcase of different perspective on whatever you do and ought to do . Facts and figures do matter in life , as who cares about the facts but figures , Oh yes !
Why monkeys are more mature than the humans ? Because they are more experienced , as they came first and then the humans . Its a fact . Now the figures says there are more humans in India then the monkeys . This means humans are more insensitive towards the nature and hence not in extinct .
Some stupid survey shows ,
“Global warming indigestion is pushing the monkeys to extinction “ .
Who cares , until we are living and not feel the flames at the base .

Railing on with the stories of entrepreneurs , like giving the motto to not eat and behave as a fool and then collecting and connecting the stones . The sooner you do this in your life , you’ll turn into a person with substance and not a beggar ! Not that beggars doesn’t have substance . But to be a best among the beggars , you need to start off like a rickshaw and a few jerks . And then make sure that your handle is not broken .
“ I can be hungry , I can be foolish and still I ll have enough in me to connect the dots , this would make me an intelligent fool .”

Love stories can be made between heaven and hell , assuming each one of it as a state . Well , not in political terms , each state has its own strintgents and culture to look forward on . Controversial #Motivation check . Alive !
From the college life romances to the pressures of job affairs , it just make a life more fun and full of “jobs”. A normal life portrayed by the players of the front stream into the beautifully crafted mishaps is just what it takes to create a chaos , somethings beyond forever , and teaches us how to convert a two wheeler into a ferrari . No not magic , it takes self belief . Not in life , but to read these books . But still , we love it to the core .
“ As men is born out of stupidity , 90% of the attributes of each , are the same.”
Now , looking forward there is a boy in a deserted country where the world’s superpower bombarded for an old bearded rapscallion , running behind a kite and in search of a friend with whom he can play with . The invasion of a country in the war , then the young ones gets seperated and then come back at the same place seeking for redemption . This is how stuff works in life . We all have baggages left behind , and one day we turn to unlock the baggage . Sooner or later one have to and will do .
“ Just like there are no free lunches , a lunch in the night turns to be a baggage one gets on him . “ Wrong turns are the part of life .
Then comes the adventures of a symbologist . Like the crown , star and the sun were all the part of brief history of our time ,these plays a major role in getting the mysteries of science solved . But to remember words said by my father to me  , “Science ends where religion starts and humanity is a religion . “ , this struck me that no matter how much science progresses and how much we are a part of it in its progress . Somethings in life is just not quantum or classical , but real .
There comes the class of 1958 at harvard , just like the class of 2013 at NIT , remembered after 50 years , moments should be fringed into memories and memories into photographs , and one should never forget the last lecture given by our professor . As that lecture would be the best out of all and has the strength to break the grounds and reach the skies .
“ The dreams will come to you “ .

The collection in the book-shelf of which the books read and the books unread is itself an irony as it comes in the life for the lost accounts . I wonder sometimes that why the scene is so assuasive , even if the lights are turned off into the sepia mode . Left to Right .

I just glanced my book-shelf and smiled .

Rachit Khator.
10th November , 2010 .


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Randomness burning !

Having been the bad boy lately , I have enough to decide that what in this world can change me and my thoughts which led to extinction in the past. Living up the most happening month OCTOBER , I am feeling immensely coordinated with the moments I have lived and the same I dealt with in the past . Past is to forget , but yes somethings just cannot let go off your mind , no matter how much hard you try to take it off from you . Playing with words that I often do . Now is the time to get started with something you have always wanted to do . #Motivation Check .
And I drafted a mail to a random person I met recently , but yeah he's not that random to the world . #55,000 followers on twitter , couldn't be just another guy . :) But , yeah What A guy !
A pen and a paper is just what it takes now .
Nothing to lose , but to show what you can be capable of when an apple falls on a head .
A quote that was an strike X and meshed all the bottles , here it goes ,
" When life throws lemons at you , make a lemonade out of it . Then sell the lemonade , make a franchisee out of it and then sell the franchisee . Just when you have had enough , write a book saying ' This is what happened when life threw lemons at me ' "
I have taken enough of the lemons now , time to make a lemonade out of it .
Rock and Rolla .
Just another tequila sunrise :)